Monday, October 13, 2008

What will Happen in 2012: The Mayan Prophecy

2012 has been termed as the judgment year with many prophecies predicting the end of an era. But that only means the beginning of a new era and a new kind of existence for us.

How do we know if we are aligned for that new era? And what if the future holds changes so drastic that we may not be prepared for? There are so many predictions as to how the world will move towards a more spiritually inclined era after 2012.

No one can know what will happen after 2012. For now, we only know that very few people know the nuances of spiritualism and most of the population is ignorant. But we do have a common understanding, a common opinion; that something in this world is not right.

Why do we think something is wrong? Because our perceptions are distorted by dualism. Dualism is a spiritual term that has been widely misunderstood.

Dualism is a term that means the observer and the observed, which leads to two entities. It refers to there being a ‘me’ and what is not part of that ‘me’.

The distorted perception of the world is cleared when the person reaches enlightenment. Then there is a sudden and radical wake from the dualistic vision and this lets them see the world as it really is; non dual.

To get to the non dual mode is a long time process. It may take years or even lifetimes. But the experience is totally worth the effort. When you reach the non dual stage, the conscious mind is not influenced by the egoistic mind that one normally possesses forming ‘I’, ‘me’ and ‘mine’ impressions.

Will 2012 waken our non dual side? Will we stop being influenced by our dualistic self and start seeing things differently? It remains to be seen.

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